Satan exposed

With our eyes we cannot see God or Satan, but we can see the evidence of the works of both. Today I am focusing on Satan. Satan is God's enemy and the deceiver of mankind. He is the one who tempts us into sin and then makes us feel guilty after we have committed it. Then when God asks us to give account of our disobedience, satan makes God out to being too hard on us because there is a punishment for our sin. Whereas God punishes us to show us that there is a consequence for disobedience, because He would rather that we have a punishment here on earth to bring us back into line, rather than us spend eternity with satan. If satan can make God out to being too mean, unfair, too hard to please, then maybe he can get us to stop trying to obey God.
Satan does not wait until we grow up to get started on us, in fact he wastes no time at all. For example, he works hard on destroying relationships because people united in faith will work together and help one another to overcome sin and walk in righteousness. Say a father is angry with his son for some reason and their is no apology from the father to the son. What does the son think of the father? Does the son feel rejected? Does the son see his father as a mean and hateful person? Does the son now look to his father’s imperfections and become angry with him? There are many possibilities of reactions, but all of them lead to the same thing, a progressive relationship breakdown. Note that the father did not apologize. (There was no reconciliation.) Now if this separation occurs and is not reconciled, it has the potential to grow worse and worse. Will the son now listen to his father's instruction? Will the son trust his father or will he now make up his own mind about things, exalting himself above his own father? Now look at the potential of one sin and some of the damage that it can cause!
Why then did Jesus Christ lay down His own life? It is so that we can first be reconciled to GOD our Father through the confession of our sins and repentance, and that we may be reconciled to one  another. God is the healer of relationships, restoring love in the lives of those who will obey Him.
Having said these things, I believe that it is good for us to reflect on our own lives, our own relationships, and put them before Our Lord that He may show us where satan has deceived us and stolen our love for one another and for God. For if we do not love one another then we do not love God.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


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