Time for Change.


Time for Change.

What needs to change?

The simple answer to that is, The Christian Churches in Australia. But there is a great deal that needs to be changed in many churches.

Why do they need to change?

Look truthfully at the fruit that is in the churches and the fruit that has come from them. Jesus Christ gave His church the commission of being the light of the world. Is that how it is today? Or is it a minority group of religious people who keep doing the same things year in and year out and really bearing no fruit? You may even believe that your church is all about The Holy Spirit, but what is the fruit of your church? Is your church full of people who are surrendering to God to obey Him in all things? If they are not then they are simply not saved as many would declare that they are. How then can one who has not a true understanding of salvation be a true witness of it? And why would God want to bring more people into a church called by His Name that does not even know Him? Would God want more people in churches practising the same things? Or does He want Salvation in His House? Churches have prayed for revival for decades. Where is it? Is God slack? Has He not listened?


2 Chronicles 7 : 14 NKJV

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.


How is our land going at the moment? Does it look healed? I do not for one second believe that it is looking very healthy at all? This is just the evidence that those who call themselves by His Name have not turned from their wicked ways. Many people are praying but where is the fruit? God is not answering their prayers! You might even think that you have done the right thing by praying, so it is God’s fault if He does not fix it. What are the wicked practices of the church? There is such a long list. It is best that every believer individually submit themselves to God for Him to reveal their sinfulness, that they might be saved from it. This journey of salvation is referred to in the word of God as Sanctification and without it there is no salvation. Those who embrace this Holy Fire will be presented to Jesus as a fitting Bride, without spot or wrinkle. Those who do not will not be invited to the wedding. The ones who surrender to doing the will of God are the ones who are being saved and God will use them to save others. They will be the light of the world.


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