Satan exposed
With our eyes we cannot see God or Satan, but we can see the evidence of the works of both. Today I am focusing on Satan. Satan is God's enemy and the deceiver of mankind. He is the one who tempts us into sin and then makes us feel guilty after we have committed it. Then when God asks us to give account of our disobedience, satan makes God out to being too hard on us because there is a punishment for our sin. Whereas God punishes us to show us that there is a consequence for disobedience, because He would rather that we have a punishment here on earth to bring us back into line, rather than us spend eternity with satan. If satan can make God out to being too mean, unfair, too hard to please, then maybe he can get us to stop trying to obey God. Satan does not wait until we grow up to get started on us, in fact he wastes no time at all. For example, he works hard on destroying relationships because people united in faith will work together and help one another to overcome sin and wa...