
Showing posts from July, 2024

Time for Change.

  Time for Change. What needs to change? The simple answer to that is, The Christian Churches in Australia. But there is a great deal that needs to be changed in many churches. Why do they need to change? Look truthfully at the fruit that is in the churches and the fruit that has come from them. Jesus Christ gave His church the commission of being the light of the world. Is that how it is today? Or is it a minority group of religious people who keep doing the same things year in and year out and really bearing no fruit? You may even believe that your church is all about The Holy Spirit, but what is the fruit of your church? Is your church full of people who are surrendering to God to obey Him in all things? If they are not then they are simply not saved as many would declare that they are. How then can one who has not a true understanding of salvation be a true witness of it? And why would God want to bring more people into a church called by His Name that does not even know Hi

What is Revival?

  What is Revival? Revival happens when a person is awakened to their sinfulness and chooses to turn away from that sin and obey God. In other words the sin that is ruling over them leading them to death is revealed to them and they choose life. What is Salvation? Salvation   happens in the life of a true believer every day. (One who is walking in revival) That is because salvation is from sin and all sin leads to death. (Please read my blog post on “True Salvation Explained.”) One who is working out their own salvation with fear and trembling, is the one who is constantly being shown their sin by The Holy Spirit and is asking for forgiveness and is being set free daily. This is described in the Word of God as Sanctification.   2 Thessalonians 2 : 10-14 NKJV and with all unrighteous deception among , because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved those who perish. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should beli