Life is good?
How many of us automatically answer, "good thank you", when asked how we are going or how our life is? Is it really good or are we just giving the standard answer? Have we said it often enough that we believe it ourselves? Maybe we could judge our own tree by it's fruit, as it were? Are we longing for a break, a trip away or some other escape? Do we like to read or watch television to take our mind off life? Are we trying to find a way of rest or escape? Is it a pleasurable experience that we are seeking so that we can feel good? If we are feeling needy in any of these ways then our life is not so good. Instead of looking for something in this world to fulfill our apparent needs, we have all of the answers in Jesus Christ our Lord. The life that He gives resolves our issues. His answers are not a temporary quick feel good but He brings us true rest in a stressful world. MATTHEW 11 : 28 - 30 NKJV 28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give y...