
Showing posts from October, 2017

Life is good?

How many of us automatically answer, "good thank you", when asked how we are going or how our life is? Is it really good or are we just giving the standard answer? Have we said it often enough that we believe it ourselves? Maybe we could judge our own tree by it's fruit, as it were? Are we longing for a break, a trip away or some other escape? Do we like to read or watch television to take our mind off life? Are we trying to find a way of rest or escape? Is it a pleasurable experience that we are seeking so that we can feel good? If we are feeling needy in any of these ways then our life is not so good. Instead of looking for something in this world to fulfill our apparent needs, we have all of the answers in Jesus Christ our Lord. The life that He gives resolves our issues. His answers are not a temporary quick feel good but He brings us true rest in a stressful world. MATTHEW 11 : 28 - 30 NKJV 28  Come to Me, all  you  who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give y...

Exodus today?

Are God's people in captivity? Are they in bondage? Does the church of today have an easy yoke and a light burden? Many will say that they are glad that they are not as badly off as many other people. In other words, making a comparison between their quality of life and the lives of others. But, are the lives of those people in line with the inheritance of God. God has so many blessings for His people. If God's people were truly blessed in the ways that He desires, then many would want to become one. Therefore how much do the people of God of today stand out from the crowd? How different are they to the people of the world? For example, what power do they have over illness? Do they rely on medical practitioners or on God? JAMES 5 : 14 - 16 NKJV 14  Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  15  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up...

Who are you?

Who are you? Are you a disciple of The Lord Jesus Christ? Are you born of The Holy Spirit? If the answer is yes to both of those questions, then you are a part of The Body of Christ. You are no longer a normal human being as the world sees normal, but you are a new creation. Do you understand that you are an alien in this world? You have been given a new position, one of great importance, that you may be a world changer. Do you believe that you are a world changer? You may say, in what way am I a world changer? Or you may say of the world around you, there is nothing much that I can do about that because nobody takes much notice of me. Well that is where you would be wrong! If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, then He is taking much notice of you and what you say and do, and you are very important to Him. You have become His representative on the earth. Imagine being the representative of the most famous and prestigious company in the world. How would you dress? How would you act? Ho...

Do you care?

The world that we live in today appears to be very self focused. People generally are looking out for themselves and perhaps their families. How much do we care for those around us? How much do we help others or bear their burdens with them? How thoughtful are we towards others, considering what they are experiencing? PHILIPPIANS 2 : 1 - 4 NKJV 2  Therefore if  there is  any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,  2  fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love,  being  of one accord, of one mind.  3  Let  nothing  be done  through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.  4  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. In verse 4 Paul tells us to look out for others. In verse 1 you will notice that there are 4 ifs . In other w...