Evangelism Today
In general it appears as though evangelism today seems to be some good deeds for someone, or maybe a group of people, as a lure to sharing the gospel with that person or group of people. Whilst there is nothing wrong with doing such good deeds and certainly it is biblical to take care of others and serve them, it is the heart of what is happening that concerns me. Did Jesus Himself try to buy disciples? Was He desperate to win them over? Was He begging for them to listen to His Gospel? I believe that Jesus demonstrated great mercy by healing broken sinners and then declaring to them that they should repent of their sins. John the baptist went before Jesus with the message of repentance and the other prophets before him. And the disciples of Jesus Christ followed after Him with the same message. Can you see that receiving the Gospel of Christ is a privilege and that we do not need to beg people to listen. We do not need to try and buy them or win them over by some good works. In fact ev...